Sunday, May 28, 2006

Another quick update

This time, because I haven't been doing much stitching. As mentioned, my course finishes tomorrow, so working busily trying to get the final projects finished. I will be very glad to have my break week. We started building our deck too, which will take a lot more time than planned.

I managed to put a few stitches into a card fo the EMS birthday exchange. I have to have it done by the end of the week to get it mailed in time, but since I'm one-third done, I should be okay. I've also got my RR all planned out, and should be able to stitch my square next weekend. This is getting a bit tight too, since mail date is June 15, but with no course, I think I'll be okay. I've made a few birthday cards for family members recently, which I'll try to post soon.

Monday, May 22, 2006


I was nearly done square 2 of the mystery sampler, when I realized that the main flower part was one row too low. The pot was right, so I would have had to cheat a bit in the stem part. It's going away for a while until I decide if it will bug me too much if I leave it as is!

That was all I stitched this weekend, as we had the in-laws up for a visit. Class is finishing up this week, so I doubt I'll get much done on anything until next week :(

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Quick update

I ended up putting the delftware sunflower into a coaster - my mom likes useful things, so thought it would be best to keep it to that. I will also make her the other half of the pair, but this time in fuschia. Glad she liked the pattern too.

Here are the cards I made for Mother's Day. The one on the left is quilled; I sent it to my mother. I sent the other one to my mil.

And here is the card I'm sending my brother for his birthday.

Part 2 of the mystery is up, so I'll try to get something done on that this week.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A quick finish

I forgot something on my list for the month - needed a Mother's Day present after all. So I stitched this up over the weekend. I need to figure out what to do with it, so I guess that's my project for tomorrow, as it has to be in the mail by Tuesday I think. Last minute as always I am.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Mystery Sampler 1

Here's part 1 of the mystery sampler. I'm looking forward to the next part.

This might be nice as a pincushion or needlebook too - might try this again sometime.

Not sure what to pick up next, I'll try to make it one of the UFOs though, whatever is calling me.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

April Recap

So, obviously April wasn't such a great month for stitching. Oh well, these things happen.

My goals for the month were:
finish up all exchange projects
*the ones that were due have all gone out. Still have some to stitch for June.
choose RR and prepare fabric/stitch my square
*nope. Have a theme, but nothing else
start Bluenose project for Brigitte
finish squirrel
*Not started.
finish sorting floss (put all new skeins in bags and label)
*did a bit , but far from done.

Plus I basically ignored my rotation. That's what I get for being so proud of it too :)

I'll try this for May
*Finish Kissy cross mystery square
*Start RR square
*Stitching 2 birthday cards for exchange

We'll see how I do with that!