Tuesday, January 31, 2006


A bit late posting, but the other day I did set a few stitching goals for the year.
  1. Finish all UFOs. (I had nine on my original list, but I found two more in a drawer. Still if I can get the nine done, I think that will be a pretty good accomplishment. Because I do have to start something ...)
  2. I bought the Broderie Creative series, which means I had 78 little kits to do (I think I have 3 done). While a bunch suck, there are a lot of cards in there. So as to feel that I haven't wasted my money, I need to complete a bunch of the kits (the series was more expensive than I originally anticipated). If I can get 12 done this year, or one per month, I'll be doing pretty well I think.
  3. I have a lot of patterns in my stash bought for specific people. So I should stitch them, huh? On my list is my mom, dad, mil, and cousin, but I figure 2 out of 4 ain't bad.
  4. Wedding sampler (probably should have done that before we got married :) )
  5. Organize my stash
  6. Develop a rotation to help me stitch more regularly, and get something finished.

F. also imposed a rule on my stitching this year, which is probably a good one. While I'll add new projects to my rotation, only every second add can be a new start - the other one has to be a UFO from my list. Once my UFO list is shorter than my rotation, I can start one for every finish. So this year should see my UFO list shrink - it's about time.

I'll try to keep a five item rotation. Ideally I'll stitch for a week on each piece before moving on, but as long as I'm stitching something in the rotation, I think I'll let it pass.

My current rotation consists of:

  1. Suzy's Zoo
  2. Irises
  3. "J" (garden alphabet sachet)
  4. pincushion
  5. Cottage

The Christmas card I was working on is all stitched now- just need to assemble the card. The "J" is the closest to being finished, and should be finished up this rotation. As that will be two finishes, the next time around I can start the "E" from the garden alphabet. These were started last summer for a birthday present - hopefully I'll be able to send them off together this year, no matter what the occasion. After that, I'll have a lot of work to get to another start, so have time to figure out what it will be.

I'll try to post pictures soon.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Starting again

Really wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the blog. But it is a new year, which means lots of resolutions. One of the perennial ones is always to get more organized. So combining that with the resolutions of decorating/moving properly into the house and being more crafty (especially finishing my craft projects), I think I'll start with a progress blog on those projects. And if the blog helps me learn any web techniques, well, so much the better.

So, to start with, here is my list of unfinished cross-stitch projects. I was told that I was not allowed to start any more until I had finished at least two. As I have a lot of kits and patterns already bought and ready to start, I had better get cracking on those on the go.

As of January 16, I had 9 on the go.

  1. Christmas card - almost done
  2. Irises
  3. J sachet bag
  4. Impressionist sea scene
  5. Lighthouses
  6. Suzy's Zoo
  7. Yew Cottage (working on this since 1997?!)
  8. Another sea scene
  9. Flowered pincushion

More pictures (and lists)to come. Time to get to work...